Covid Update 04. October 2020

If you have been worrying about the final deadline from the Indonesian Immigration on when you should apply and receive your Visas and Stay Permits, the @ditjen_imigrasi has recently announced that the deadline for obtaining an onshore visa for foreign nationals in the Indonesian Territory has been extended to 5 October 2020.
Here are the updates:
1. If you hold an Emergency Stay Permit (ITKT) for a Visa On Arrival (VOA), a Multiple Entry Visa (D212), or Crew Visits pass, you can now extend your Visitor Permit or apply for a new Visa Telex at local immigration offices until 5 October 2020.
2. Foreign nationals currently holding an Emergency Stay Permit will have to extend their permits accordingly.
3. Foreign nationals who do not comply will face penalties according to the Immigration Administrative Sanctions.
We encourage you to out the Indonesian Government’s Immigration facebook page at @ditjen_imigrasi and the Indonesian Immigration’s official website at for more info and updates.
Speak to us to find out how we can help you apply for the right visa for you!
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