Are you a tourist planning to visit Bali for a short holiday? Let’s talk about visa requirements for tourists planning to stay in Bali for less than 30 days.
Citizens of ASEAN countries can enter Bali without a visa for stays of up to 30 days. According to the Indonesian immigration website, these countries are Brunei Darussalam, The Philippines, Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam and Timor Leste. Be sure to have a valid passport of at least 6 months validity or you may not be allowed to enter Bali.
Bali Visa On Arrival (VOA)
If your country is not on the list of visa-exempt countries, you will need to apply for a visit visa, also known as a Visa On Arrival (VOA) at the airport in Bali.
The VOA costs US$50 and is valid for 30 days. You will need to have a passport that is valid for at least six months beyond your planned departure date from Indonesia, and you will need to provide proof of onward travel.
Countries that can enter Bali, Indonesia with a VOA, according to the Indonesian Immigration website, are:
1 Afrika Selatan / South Africa
2 Albania
3 Amerika Serikat / United States of America
4 Andorra
5 Arab Saudi / Saudi Arabia
6 Argentina
7 Armenia
8 Australia
9 Austria
10 Bahrain
11 Belanda / The Netherlands
12 Belarus
13 Belgia / Belgium
14 Bosnia Herzegovina
15 Brazil
16 Brunei Darussalam
17 Bulgaria
18 Ceko / Czechoslovakia
19 Chile
20 Denmark
21 Ekuador / Ecuador
22 Estonia
23 Filipina
24 Finlandia / Finland
25 Guatemala
26 Hongkong SAR (RRT)
27 Hungaria
28 India
29 Inggris / United Kingdom
30 Irlandia / Ireland
31 Islandia / Iceland
32 Italia / Italia
33 Jepang / Japan
34 Jerman / German
35 Kamboja / Cambodia
36 Kanada / Canada
37 Kazakhstan
38 Kenya
39 Kolombia / Colombia
40 Korea Selatan / South Korea
41 Kroasia / Croatia
42 Kuwait
43 Laos
44 Latvia
45 Liechtenstein
46 Lithuania
47 Luksemburg / Luxembourg
48 Makau SAR (RRT) / Macao
49 Maladewa / Maldives
50 Malaysia
51 Malta
52 Maroko / Morocco
53 Meksiko / Mexico
54 Mesir / Egypt
55 Monako / Monaco
56 Mozambik / Mozambique
57 Myanmar
58 Norwegia / Norway
59 Oman
60 Palestina / Palestine
61 Panama
62 Papua Nugini / Papua New Guinea
63 Perancis / France
64 Peru
65 Polandia / Poland
66 Portugal
67 Qatar
68 Rumania / Romania
69 Rusia / Russia
70 Rwanda
71 San Marino
72 Selandia Baru / New Zealand
73 Serbia
74 Seychelles
75 Singapura / Singapore
76 Siprus / Cyprus
77 Slovakia
78 Slovenia
79 Spanyol / Spain
80 Suriname
81 Swedia / Sweden
82 Swiss
83 Chinese Taipei / Taiwan
84 Tanzania
85 Thailand
86 Timor Leste
87 Tiongkok / China
88 Tunisia
89 Turki / Turkey
90 Ukraina / Ukraine
91 Uni Emirat Arab / United Arab Emirates
92 Uzbekistan
93 Vatikan / Vatican
94 Venezuela
95 Vietnam
96 Yordania / Jordan
97 Yunani / Greece
You will need to have the following documents to get your VOA:
- A valid passport with at least six months of validity beyond your intended stay in Indonesia
- A completed visa application form (available at the VOA counter)
- A copy of your return ticket or onward travel itinerary
- A passport-sized photograph (2×2 inches)
- Payment for the VOA fee, currently USD 50 per person
Upon arrival in Bali, proceed to the VOA counter at the immigration area. Present your documents, pay the fee, and have your fingerprints scanned. The VOA will be issued electronically and attached to your passport.
Your VOA is valid for 30 days and can be extended for another 30 days at Immigration offices in Indonesia. Don’t forget to prepare all the documents needed and the fee. You can also speak to us here at MPG Bali Visa if you have any inquiries or would like to extend your Visa On Arrival (VOA).
MPG Bali Visa Bali Best And Most Trusted Visa Agent
Contact us now. MPG Bali Visa was established in 2000 as CV Bali Mitra Sejati.
We are the experts in Bali visa, tourist visa Bali, e-voa Bali, Bali visa on arrival, Bali entry requirements and Indonesian immigration laws.
We can also assist you with Bali digital nomad visa requirements, KITAS visa Bali requirements, KITAS bali, family KITAS Indonesia, family visa and Bali retirement visa for those retiring in Bali.
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